Transcultural Nursing Scholars Founded in 2004

Scholars Executive Committee 2025

Martha B. Baird PhD, PMHCNS, CTN-A, FTNSS,  Director Transcultural Nursing Scholars

Valerie S. Eschiti, PhD, RN, AHN-BC. CHTP, CTN-A, FTNSS,  Secretary Transcultural Nursing Scholars

Katharyn Daub, EdD,  MNed, RN, CTN-A, FTNSS

Director-Elect, Transcultural Nursing Scholars

John W Collins, PhD, MS, RN, FTNSS, Treasurer Transcultural Nursing Scholars

The TCN Scholars is guided by the philosophy, mission and by-laws of the Transcultural Nursing Society. The purpose of the TCN Scholars is to recognize persons who have demonstrated exemplary creative leadership by advancing transcultural nursing and health care research, education, practice and/or administration within local, national or global contexts. Although there may be a rare exception, these persons, referred to as scholars, have studied with a teacher, formally or informally, and then continue to study and promote scholarship among others. Transcultural nursing scholars are creative leaders who demonstrate characteristics such as experience, insight, imagination, and leadership through engagement with ideas, persons, and organizations, to facilitate research, education and practice of transcultural nursing and healthcare.
The TCN Scholars is established to promote the advancement of a body of knowledge, initiate and disseminate research, teaching and learning, and the clinical applications of transcultural nursing, and healthcare globally.  Members are recognized as individuals who have demonstrated and documented exemplary leadership by advancing transcultural nursing and health care research, education, practice, and/or administration within regional, national, or global contexts. 
  1. Establish mechanisms for identifying and recognizing outstanding scholars and mentors in transcultural nursing and healthcare globally.
  2. Establish criteria for differentiating levels of competence in transcultural nursing.
  3. Utilize leadership in the dissemination and implementation of concepts, models, theories and research relevant to transcultural healthcare and education.
  4. Promote implementation of culturally congruent and competent care through education, research, practice and administration.
  5. Create a forum for exploring innovative approaches to the present and emerging issues in transcultural healthcare.

Members of the TCNS Scholars Group

The Charter Members of the Transcultural Nursing Scholars were inducted October 8, 2004.   To view the information about each Fellow of the Transcultural Nursing Society, click on the names listed below. 

Foundress and First President of the Transcultural Nursing Society:  

Past Presidents group who become the first group of scholars inducted:

2005 Inductees Transcultural Nursing Society Scholars

2006 Inductees Transcultural Nursing Society Scholars

2007 Inductees Transcultural Nursing Scholars

2008 Inductees Transcultural Nursing Scholars

2009 Inductee Transcultural Nursing Scholars

2010 Inductees Transcultural Nursing Scholars

2011 Inductees Transcultural Nursing Scholars

2012 Inductees Transcultural Nursing Scholars

graduation earth academy scholar graduate university success image vector icon logo

2013 Inductees to the Transcultural Nursing Scholars

2014 Inductees to the Transcultural Nursing Scholars

2015 Inductees to the Transcultural Nursing Scholars

2016 Inductees to the Transcultural Nursing Scholars

2017 Inductees to the Transcultural Nursing Scholars

2018 - No Individual Inducted in 2018

2019 Inductee to the Transcultural Nursing Scholars

2020 Inductees to the Transcultural Nursing Scholars

2021 Inductees to the Transcultural Nursing Scholars

2022 Inductees to the Transcultural Nursing Scholars

2023 Inductees to the Transcultural Nursing Scholars

2024 Inductees to the Transcultural Nursing Scholars