Beth Desaretz Chiatti, PhD, CTN-B, CSN, CGNC, FFNMRCSI, FTNSS
Professor, Drexel University College of Nursing and Health Professions
Health Sciences Building, 60 N. 36th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
E-mail: [email protected]
Expertise Areas:
Dr. Beth Desaretz Chiatti is a Fellow of the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and a Fellow of the Transcultural Nursing Society Scholars. She earned academic degrees in both Anthropology and Nursing. She teaches Reproductive Health, Genetics/Genomics, and Nursing Research. Dr. Chiatti holds Certifications in Transcultural Nursing, Global Nurse Consulting, Genomic Nursing, Culturally Competent LGBTQ+ Health and Social Care, Nursing Management, and School Nursing. Dr. Chiatti is a qualitative and mixed methods researcher. Her research interests include transcultural nursing, immigrant/global health, reproductive health, genetics/genomics, human rights, and mentoring. Dr. Chiatti serves as a manuscript reviewer for the Journal of Transcultural Nursing, Maternal and Child Health Journal, Journal of Professional Nursing, Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture, Journal of Professional Nursing, and Women’s Health.
Languages spoken, read/write*:
English and beginning Italian
Select Publications:
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:
Donovan, J., Chiatti, B. D., McKeever, A. E., Bloch, J. R., Gonzales, M. S., & Birati, Y. (2023). “Yes, I can Bond.” Reflections of autistic women’s mothering experiences in the early postpartum period. Journal of Women’s Health, 19, 1-13. doi: 10.1177/17455057231175312
Welk, D. S, Buckner, E., Chiatti, B. D., Farooq, S., Lai, C., Lukkahatai, N., Ng, Y. C., Pollard, A., Russell, K., & Sailian, S. D. (2021). Capacity building in nurse educators in a Global Leadership Mentoring Community. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 18, 1-12.
Chiatti, B. D. (2019). Culture care beliefs and practices of Ethiopian immigrants. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 30, 340-349.
Book Chapters:
Chiatti, B. D., & Whitt, K. (2025). Unit I: Principles of Nursing Practice; Chapter 6: Genetics and Genomics in Nursing, in Hinkle, J. L., Cheever, K. H., & Overbaugh, K. Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (16th ed.). Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins/Wolters Kluwer.
Chiatti, B. D. (2024). Unit III: Healthcare Delivery Concepts; Chapter 13: Culture and Diversity, in Craven, R. F., Hirnle, C. J., Henshaw, C. M. & Rassilyer-Bomers, R. Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts and Competencies for Practice (10th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.
Present/Future Directions
Dr. Chiatti’s international collaboration promotes capacity building in nursing leadership, supports retention of nursing faculty, and advances nursing research. Her research with Ethiopian immigrants impacts health policy and practice globally and has been cited by researchers from the U.S., Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Scandinavia. Through teaching, scholarly work with immigrant and marginalized populations, and international nursing collaboration/mentoring, Dr. Chiatti will continue to support global nursing excellence.
Updated 12/2024