Jody Glittenberg Hinrichs, PhD, FAAN

Professor Emerita Nursing, Anthropology & Psychiatry
University of Arizona

Telephone: 720-693 8020 (home)    720 345-4900 (cell)
Past Professorships
U of Colorado: Professor and Chair of PhD Program
U of ill. Director of International Studies
U of North Carolina, Dept. Chair Primary Care Nursing, Chair PhD Disease Prevention & Health Protection
U of Arizona, Chair Psychiatric Nursing & Psych/Mental Health Practitioner

Expertise Areas:

Qualitative researcher. I was appointed to the Advisory Board of the Fogarty International Center. 1987-2002_ Qualitative reviewer for NINR, NIA, NIDA.NIAA, NSF grants of various nature, I’ve had four funded NIH grants 3 as PI and one as CoI. My expertise in international health is noted as I served as a short term and long-term consultant for WHO that included countries in Asia, Africa. South America, Central America, Europe. I was the Acting Regional Advisor for Nursing in the Western Pacific WHO Region that included 32 countries, I was a Visiting Professor in Melbourne and Brisbane doe one year 1982-3
I was on the Founding Board of Transcultural Nursing and on the Founding Board for the Council of Anthropology and Nursing, served as President, Secretary etc many times I received the lst Leininger Award in 1983, Member of the Academy of Nursing since 1982; Governing Board 1992-1995. Conference Chair 1994 :”Violence: Nursing Debates the Issues.

Languages spoken, read/write*:


Select Publications:


Moore, L., Van Arsdale, P. Glittenberg. J., Aldrich, R. (1978/1982)

Biocultural Basis of Health, Waveland,Ill

Glittenberg.J.(1994) To the Mountain and Back (an anthropology classic) Waveland Press. Prospect Heights.

Glittenberg, J. (2008) Violence and Hope in a US Border Town. Waveland Press. Prospect Heights (NIDA funded 4 year natural study(


Glittenberg, J. The tragedy of torture: a global concern for mental health.  Mental Health Nursing. 24:627-2003.

Glittenberg, J. (2004) A transdisciplinary, transcultural model for health care.   Journal of Transcultural  Nursing. Vol. 15 No.1

Present/Future Directions 

At the wonderful age of 88 I do look forward and to the past. There are so many miracle people I’ve met along the way. We’ve come a long way and made some mighty positive changes to health care. Dearest Founder and Friend Madeleine would be so proud. I have 10 grandkids and 2 greats! I’ve published a neol that has received a natiaon award for being the best historical fiction of 2018 The Promise Seed (Amazon)All my best wishes, Jody Glittenberg

Updated 02/2021