Rick Zoucha, PhD, PMHCNS-BC, CTN-A, FAAN

Joseph A. Lauritis, C.S.Sp. Endowed Chair for Teaching and Technology
Professor and Chair of Advanced Role and PhD Programs

Duquesne University School of Nursing,
600 Forbes Avenue, 527 Fisher Hall Pittsburgh, PA 15282

Phone: 412-396-6545
E-mail: zoucha@duq.edu
Website: https://www.duq.edu/academics/faculty/rick-zoucha

Expertise Areas:

Research interests include understanding various phenomena related to culture, health and well-being in the Nicaraguan, Mexican American, Mexican, African American and African refugee and immigrant communities. Dr. Zoucha is a qualitative and mixed method researcher experienced in ethnography, ethnonursing, phenomenology and participatory action research methods.
Dr. Zoucha is a Certified Transcultural Nurse-Advanced. He was inducted as a charter member of the Transcultural Nursing Scholar in 2004. Dr. Zoucha was bestowed the Leininger Award in 1998. Dr. Zoucha was inducted as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing in 2014. He was named the Joseph A. Lauritis, C.S.Sp. Endowed Chair for Teaching and Technology in 2015. Dr. Zoucha has been invited to speak at national and international conferences as well as Visiting Professor/Scholar in Puerto Rico, Spain, New Jersey, Taiwan, Australia and North Dakota regarding issues of cultural care. Dr. Zoucha serves as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Transcultural Nursing and Director of the Transcultural Nursing Scholars.

Languages spoken, read/write*:

English and beginning Spanish

Select Publications:

Peer reviewed journal articles:

Tremblay, B, Turk, M., Cooper, M., Zoucha, R., (2020). Knowledge, Attitudes, and Perceptions of Young Adults About Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems in the United States: An Integrative Review. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. doi: 10.1097/JCN.0000000000000731

Ribar AK, Kilanowski JF, Zoucha R. (2020). The Cultural Perceptions of Healthy Eating in Mexican American Children: A Focused Ethnography. Journal of Transcult Nursing. doi: 10.1177/1043659620912305. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 32194002

Stephen JM, Zoucha R.(2020). Spanish Speaking, limited English proficient parents whose children are hospitalized: An integrative review.,

Journal of Pediatric Nursing. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2020.02.033. [Epub ahead of print]

Book Chapters:

Zoucha, R. Zamarripa-Zoucha, A., (2020). People of Mexican Heritage. In Larry D. Purnell, Eric A. Fenkl (Eds.) Textbook for Transcultural Health Care: A Population Approach. (pp. 613-636), Springer.

Zoucha, R., Zamarripa-Zoucha, A., (2020). Health and Health Care in Mexico. In Carol Holtz (4th. Ed). Global Health Care: Issues and Policies. (pp. 599-610), Jones and Bartlett.

Present/Future Directions 

Transcultural nursing and the work of transcultural nurses is critical to the health and well-being needs of people globally. The profession of nursing must be vigilant in promoting care that is congruent with the cultural care needs of individuals, families and communities. It is imperative that Transcultural Nursing Scholars strive to engage in research and scholarship that addresses the cultural care needs of people globally through evidence-based practice and creation of evidence through research.

Updated 01/2021