Valerie Eschiti, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, CHTP, CTN-A, FTNSS
Associate Professor, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences, Fran & Earl Ziegler College of Nursing, Lawton, OK
Phone: (580)591-8021
E-mail: [email protected]
Expertise Areas:
- Dr. Eschiti is certified as an advanced holistic nurse, Healing Touch practitioner, and advanced transcultural nurse. She was inducted as a Fellow in the Transcultural Nursing Society Scholars in 2023. She has worked with American Indian tribes in Oklahoma regarding cancer-related education. Dr. Eschiti serves as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Transcultural Nursing. She is developing a new area of scholarship: trauma-informed nursing education.
Languages spoken, read/write*:
Select Publications:
Peer-reviewed journal articles:
Eschiti, V. (2023, October 2). A writing community of practice for faculty: support to foster publication, Nurse Educator, 0(0), 1-2. Advance online publication.
Nguyen, A. Eschiti, V., Bui, T., Nagykaldi, Z., & Dwyer, K. (2023). Mobile health interventions to improve health behaviors and healthcare services among Vietnamese individuals: a systematic review. Healthcare, 11(9), 1225.
Eschiti, V., Lauderdale, J., Burhansstipanov, L., Sanford, S., Weryackwe, L., & Flores, Y. (2014). Developing cancer-related educational content and goals tailored to the Comanche Nation. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 18(2), E26 – E31. Doi: 10.1188/14.CJON.E26-E31.
Book chapters:
Haozous, E., & Eschiti, V. (2015). American Indians and Alaska Natives and cancer. In J. M. Phillips and B. H. Damron (Eds.), Cancer and health policy: advancements and opportunities, (pp. 251-269). Pittsburgh, PA: Oncology Nursing Society.
Eschiti, V. (2014). Martha Rogers (pp. 31-32) in Healing Touch: Advancing life through energy, Wardell, D., Kagel, S., & Anselme, L. (eds.).
Present/Future Directions
Transcultural nurses possess a global perspective which is valuable in proposing solutions to the worldwide problems faced today. As healers on this planet, we are poised with caring and knowledge to share to bring comfort to human beings and other living creatures.
Updated 1/2025