Hello from the Journal of transcultural Nursing. We have a lot to celebrate this year. One of these celebrations is the birth date of the journal - we are 30 years old. So what were you doing in 1989? These are some events that were occurring:
- Ronald Regan was President
- Lucille Ball died
- Dow Jones closed at 2753 points
- A gallon of gas was 97 cents
- A postage stamp was 25 cents
- Great movies like "When Harry met Sally"
- The www was not invented yet
- Text messaging had not been introduced
- And my son was born!
30 years feels like a long time but for some of us, it feels like yesterday. As the Editor of the Journal, my associate and senior editors have decided to do some special sections of the journal for the 2019 years. They are going to be called Elite Editorials and 30 years of Theory.
Elite Editorials: Our first change will be to the editorial. We will have guest editorials, which we will call "Elite Editorials" who will discuss their time with the journal since 1989. These are people who were with the journal from the beginning and are still involved with the journal now. We will provide these unique insights from persons who have been the backbone of the organization and continue to contribute their knowledge to not only the journal but the association.
30 years of Theory: We have asked our theorists to write updates on their theories in the last 30 years. This will include a historical perspective on the theories and how the theories have evolved and what they may look like in the future. Again, it will be an amazing opportunity to provide an amazing historical perspective of our theory leaders who continue to develop this unique field of inquiry.
Volume 30 of JTCN is going to be amazing! I hope you enjoy it.
Dr. Norma Cuellar
Editor, Journal of Transcultural Nursing