United Nations

written by Beth Lincoln, MSN, RN, NP, CTN-A

In the end, it comes down to values(…) We want the world our children inherit to be defined by the values enshrined in the UN Charter: Peace, Justice, Respect, Human Rights, Tolerance & Solidarity   António Guterres, United Nations Secretary General.

In the Spring of 1945, a delegation representing fifty countries, met at the United Nations Conference on International Organization in San Francisco, California. The result was the formation of The United Nations – an entity they hoped would prevent another world war. Today, the United Nations continues its work to maintain international peace, provide humanitarian assistance, protect human rights and preserve international law. Its expanded role includes sustainable development goals  to ensure a more sustainable future for all.

In May 1968, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) adopted Resolution 1297. The resolution requested the Department of Public Information (DPI) to partner with non governmental agencies (NGO). The resolution stated that an NGO “shall undertake to support the work of the United Nations and to promote knowledge of its principles and activities, in accordance with its own aims and purposes and the nature and scope of its competence and activities.” The DPI offers both associative and consultative status to NGOs. This is where we, the Transcultural Nursing Society, come into the picture. Our Mission Statement is to enhance the quality of culturally congruent, competent, and equitable care that results in improved health and well being for people worldwide” compliments the UN Mission Statement which is “the maintenance of international peace and security” which seeks to Improve lives and transform communities.

In October 2017 a committee was formed to discuss application for DPI associate. Committee membership included representation from the Board, Scholars, members at large and the Central Office. After review of the application, a ‘gap analysis’ was completed. Over the next two years information was gathered to ensure that all facets of the application were addressed. Included were articles published in the Journal of Transcultural Nursing that focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals #3 Good Health & Well-being and #10 Reduced Inequalities. A letter of recommendation from Sigma Theta Tau, which holds consultative status with DPI, completed the final requirement of the application. In January 2021 the application was was presented to the TCNS Board. It received unanimous approval.

So, as an associate of DPI, what are our responsibilities? The good news is that much of what we are already doing fits perfectly. Articles from the Journal of Transcultural Nursing and posters/presentations from our annual conferences, along with our blog posts, newsletters raise awareness about UN-related topics and activities. Most importantly our mission statement and strategic plan align well with the mission/goals of the UN.

Applications for associate/consultative status are accepted by DPI twice a year, March and October. We are in the process of updating the application to include current journal articles and recent seminars/webinars along with other information to strengthen our portfolio. The plan is to have it ready by late summer and submit in October 2021. We’ll definitely have something to add to our celebration list when we meet for our annual conference in Albuquerque New Mexico this October!

Mission:  The mission of the Transcultural Nursing Society (TCNS) is to enhance the quality of culturally congruent, competent, and equitable care that results in improved health and well being for people worldwide.

Vision:  The TCNS seeks to provide nurses and other health care professionals with the knowledge base necessary to ensure cultural competence in practice, education, research, and administration.