Carol O. Long, PhD, RN, FPCN,FTNSS, FAAN

Phone: (480) 204-0911
E-mail: [email protected]

Expertise Areas:

Instrument development and testing with international colleages that incorporates cultural considerations.

Languages spoken, read/write*:


Select Publications:

Pérez-Ros, P., Cauli, O., Julián-Rochina, I.,Long, C. O., & Chover-Sierra, E. (2022). Level of knowledge and attitudes towards palliative care for people with advanced dementia in Spain: Role of professional and academic factors. Current Alzheimer Research, 19(11); 785-794.

Chover-Sierra, E., Pérez-Ros, P., Julián-Rochina, I., Long, C. O., & Cauli, O. (2022). Knowledge and attitudes towards palliative care: Validation of the Spanish version of Questionnaire on Palliative Care for Advanced Dementia. Healthcare, 10(4), 656;

Long, C. O. (2021). People of Vietnamese heritage. In L. Purnell & E. A. Fenkle. Textbook for transcultural health care: A population approach. Chapter 29, pp 743-767. New York: Springer Publication.

Chen, I., Lin K, Hu, S. H., Chuang, Y., Long, C. O., Chang, C., & Liu, M. F. (2018). Palliative care for advanced dementia: knowledge and attitudes of long-term care staff. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 27,
848-858.DOI: 10.1111/jocn.14132

Long, C. O. (2017). Maximizing comfort for the person with dementia: Nursing care approaches that work. Japanese Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 15(2), 36-44.

Present/Future Directions 

Although retired, I hope to continue mentoring and contributing to the science of transcultural nursing in the years ahead.

Updated 03/2023