Board of Trustee Offices Open for Election in 2025
2025 Criteria for Candidates Running for Office
Candidates nominated to run for office are expected to have been actively involved in and a member of the Society for at least three consecutive years. Have an educational and experiential background in transcultural nursing and be committed to the purposes of the Corporation. Candidates may not simultaneously serve on two TCNS Boards or Chair a committee (unless part of their position description or as appointed by the Board of Trustees) within TCNS. Eligibility to serve on the Board of Trustees or the Nominations Committee will be confirmed through the Transcultural Nursing Society Central Office before the Nominations Committee reviews candidate information. Candidates interested in running for office must submit a current CV and a ballot statement reflecting their experience and desire to run for office. If the Nominations Committee confirms a candidate, the Ballot Statement will be emailed to the membership for an online vote in July 2025. If interested in running for any of the positions below, please email your CV and ballot statement to Lisa Dobson, Executive Director of Operations@ [email protected], by the May 15, 2025, nominations deadline.
President: 4-Year Term: (January 1, 2026 - December 31, 2029)
- President-Elect: (2026) The President-Elect shall serve for one year to assist the President in conducting the business and affairs of the Corporation. The President-Elect liaison with the Research Award and Leininger Transcultural Scholarship Award Committees and serves as alternate to the Immediate Past President as the Board liaison to the Foundation.
- President: (2027-2028) The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation, shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Trustees and members, and shall, in general, supervise and conduct all the business and affairs of the Corporation. The President oversees the Strategic Planning.
- Immediate Past President: (2029) The Immediate Past President shall serve for one year to assist the President in conducting the business and affairs of the Corporation. The Immediate Past President liaison with the Research Award and Leininger Award Committees in the absence of the President-Elect and serves as the Board liaison to the Foundation (alternate with the President-Elect).
First Vice-President: 2-Year Term: (January 1, 2026 - December 31, 2027)
- In the absence of the President, the duties of the President shall be performed by the First Vice-President. The First Vice-President oversees the Program and Annual Conference Committees.
Secretary: 2-Year Term: (January 1, 2026 - December 31, 2027)
- The Secretary shall record the minutes of the Board of Trustees and General Membership meetings. The Secretary gives notices and distributes minutes to the central office/Board of Trustees within 2 weeks of the meeting. The Secretary coordinates with the central office on publications about the Corporation in the Journal of Transcultural Nursing and the Newsletter.
Elected Positions Not Serving on the Board of Trustees:
Nomination Committee (2 Open Positions): 2-Year Term (January 1, 2026 - December 31, 2027)
- Two members will be elected to the nominations committee and serve a two-year term. The elected member with the most votes will become Chair of the Committee for the next period of elections (2027). Only members in good standing as described shall be on the Nominations Committee. Prior consent of the nominees will be obtained before nominations are made for the committee.
The TCNS central office will obtain the prior consent of all nominees before the Nominations Committee receives their information for review.