Journal of Transcultural Nursing - 1989-2025

The Journal of Transcultural Nursing (JTN) is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, and international journal that aims to serve as a forum for nurses and interdisciplinary professionals to publish cutting-edge research, theory, and evidence-based practice related to culture and health care. The Journal of Transcultural Nursing provides nurses and interdisciplinary professionals with theoretical approaches, current knowledge, and research findings which have direct implications for the delivery of culturally congruent health care and the preparation of culturally competent healthcare professionals.

As the Editor-In-Chief, I look forward to working closely with our esteemed associate editors and senior editors, TCNS researchers, scholars, clinicians, and nurses to continue advancing JTN. Through the lens of nursing, multidisciplinary professions, and international and global health, JTN will continue being the driving force to galvanize and energize the constant evolution of transcultural health care and transcultural nursing by catalyzing high-quality publications and igniting innovative discussions for culturally competent and congruent health care.

We are pleased to announce the Call for Reviewers for The Journal of Transcultural Nursing (JTN).

Dr. Mei R. Fu, Editor-in-Chief

Are you interested in becoming a reviewer for the Journal of Transcultural Nursing? Please contact Dr. Mei Rosemary Fu at [email protected] for more information!  


Journal of Transcultural Nursing Website:
Subscriptions, reprints, permissions, submission guidelines
Podcasts, Editors Choice, and the Substantive List of Articles going back to 1989!

Journal of Transcultural Nursing Reviewer

Interested in becoming a reviewer for the Journal of Transcultural Nursing?   Please email your name, contact information, area of expertise, and current CV to Dr. Mei Rosemary Fu (PhD, RN, FAAN)
Editor-in-Chief, email: [email protected]!


Dr. Mei Rosemary Fu (PhD, RN, FAAN)
email: [email protected]