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Transcultural Nursing Society

Scholars Legacy Award

(Funding opportunity for scholars’ research, publication, travel or prof. development)


PURPOSE: The purpose of the Transcultural Nursing Society (TCNS) Scholars Legacy Award is to honor the legacy of past TCNS Scholars who are deceased.

AIM:  The aim of this award is to support transcultural nursing society scholars in accomplishing their scholarly activities and in meeting the objectives of the TCNS Scholars.

AWARD:    An annual award(s) of up to a total of US$2,000 (depending on the budget submitted) may be made to selected TCNS Scholar(s). The award must maintain the financial solvency of the TCNS Scholars’ budget and must be assessed annually to determine the award amount.


AWARD CATEGORIES, ranked according to priority of funding.

a. RESEARCH: (4 points) Research in transcultural nursing phenomena or closely related field, i.e., social justice, racial & ethnic disparities in health outcomes. Examples include but are not limited to the following

    1. Non-funded expenses incurred during the research process;
    2. Research participant recruitment expenses and clinical intervention study materials;
    3. Fees for professional transcription of research interviews;
    4. Expenses related to presentation of transcultural nursing research at local, regional, national or international professional conferences or workshops;
    5. Other transcultural nursing research-related projects deemed eligible by the TCNS Scholars Legacy Award Selection Committee.

b.  PUBLICATION: (3 points) Funding to assist with the writing and publication of transcultural nursing research, education, practice or administration.

    1. Types of publication can include peer reviewed journal articles, books, book chapters, or other scholarly publications.
    2. Examples of fundable writing and publication activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
      • Professional editing and/or translation of a manuscript prior to submission of said manuscript for dissemination in a peer reviewed publication;
      • Statistician fees to review data analysis prior to submission of manuscript;
      • Clerical support for manuscript preparation.

c.  TRAVEL: (2 points) Funding to assist prospective TCNS Scholar inductees to attend their induction ceremony. Include in the proposal plans for sharing the knowledge gained at the annual conference.


    1. Attendance at workshops on topics to update scholarly expertise, such as, research methodologies, statistical analysis, manuscript preparation, etc.;
    2. Preparation and fees related to TCNS certification(s) and other research certifications;


a.  Applicant must be a current TCNS Scholar in good standing or a prospective, approved inductee.

b.  Proposed scholarly activities should contribute to the knowledge base of transcultural nursing and health care and/or the dissemination of this knowledge.

c.  Proposal should align with the objectives of the TCNS Scholars (See pg. 3 below: TCNS Scholars Information Handbook, 2020, pp. 2-3).

d.  The application for the award must include all required elements (See #8 below).

3.  Awardees receiving funds for scholarly work must present both an oral and written report of the product of their award, i.e., their completed research findings or other scholarly works, at a TCNS Scholar’s meeting within three (3) years of receipt of the award. The report must include a summary of how the funds were spent, with receipts attached.

4,  The Journal of Transcultural Nursing has “first refusal rights” to the first publication from research conducted with this Award. However, since TCNS Scholars have the responsibility to expand the dissemination of our knowledge beyond even nursing, the author can request a waiver of this requirement and provide a rationale for publication with a broader audience than solely nurses and health professionals, e.g., a health policy journal, public health journal or a sociology/social work journal.

5.  Awardees must sign a contract outlining the above conditions and complete an IRS W-9 before receiving the award. The signed contract and form must be received by the Transcultural Nursing Society Global Office before a check is sent to the awardee.

6.  Awardees must sign a form attesting that the requested activities are not funded from any other source.

7.  Only one TCNS Scholar award application per project can be funded, if accepted. Applicants cannot apply for a second award for the same project. Each application must be for a new project.

8.  All Applicants must submit the following:

A.  A two-page, single-spaced proposal that addresses the following:

    1. identify the award category, i.e. research, publication, travel or professional development;
    2. describe the nature of research, scholarly, or educational activity;
    3. explain the rationale for the need of the award;
    4. describe how it will contribute to strengthening the knowledge base in transcultural nursing; and,
    5. illustrate how it aligns with the objectives of the TCNS Scholars (See pg. 3 below: TCNS Scholar Information Handbook, 2020, pp. 2-3).

B.  For research projects, the IRB approval letter must be submitted.

C.  A one-page budget, with supporting data such as receipts, invoices etc., should be included. It should also include a signed statement that the requested funds have not been covered by any other funding source.

D.  A cover page with author name, affiliation, position and contact information. The proposal and budget pages should be free of author identifying information.

E.  Letter of recommendation from dissertation advisor, if applicant is a doctoral student.

Application deadline: ______August 15, 2025_________

Submit all materials online at:


Transcultural Nursing Society Scholars Information Handbook, 2020, pp.2-3.

Objectives (of the TCNS Scholars)

  1.  Establish mechanisms for identifying and recognizing outstanding scholars and mentors in transcultural nursing and healthcare globally.
  2. Utilize leadership in the dissemination and implementation of concepts, models, theories and research relevant to transcultural healthcare and education.
  3. Promote implementation of culturally congruent and competent care through education, research, practice and administration.
  4. Create a forum for exploring innovative approaches to the present and emerging issues in transcultural healthcare.


Last Updated 10/15/2024