Rachel E. Spector, RN, PhD, CTN-A, FAAN

Part Time Faculty
Boston College - Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Phone: Cell – 781-254-9083    Land – 781-449-3523
E-mail: spectorrachel@comcast.net or rachel.spector@bc.edu
Website: https://www.bc.edu/bc-web/schools/mcas/.../rachel-spector.html

Expertise Areas:

Prior to retiring in 2000, Dr. Spector was an associate professor at the William F. Connell School of Nursing, where she taught Community Health Nursing, and Culture and Health Care for over 25 years. In addition to her teaching, she researched, practiced, and consulted, focusing on developing and teaching models of effective nursing care—CULTURALCARE—in multicultural populations. Spector's book Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness is now in its 9th edition. Past and present experiences include numerous lectures and workshops conducted throughout the United States and world.
Dr. Spector graduated from the Mount Sinai Hospital School of Nursing in New York City. She earned a Bachelor's of Science degree in Nursing, a Master's of Science degree in Community Health Nursing from Boston College, and her Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin School of Nursing.
In 2002 Dr. Spector was appointed an "Honorary Professor" at the University of Alicante School of Nursing in Spain.
Dr. Spector has received many awards, including recognition as the “Alumna of the Year” from the Mount Sinai Hospital School of Nursing, The Leininger Award in Transcultural Nursing, is a Living Legend in the American Nurses’ Association - Massachusetts, received a Human Rights Award from the American Nurses’ Association, and was a Lady Davis Fellow at Hebrew University Henrietta Szold School of Nursing in Jerusalem, Israel.

Exploratory Qualitative Research - Traditional HEALTH and ILLNESS Beliefs and Practices, Holistic Living, HEALING Beliefs and Practices

Languages spoken, read/write*:


Select Publications:

Spector, R. E. (2017). Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness, 9th edition. New York: Pearson.
Spector, R. E. (2004). Guide to Heritage Assessment, 3rd. Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Spector, R. E. (2003) Las Culturas de la SALUD. Madrid: Pearson Education.


Spector, R.E. (2007) Cultural Diversity in Tabloski, P. A., ed. Gerontological Nursing. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, pp. 84-109.

Journal Article

Spector, R.E. (2016). “Cultural Competence” and memorium to Dr. Carmen Chamizo. Cultura de los Cuidados, 1er Cuatrimestre, 2016, * Año XX - N.° 44.

Present/Future Directions 

NOW, more than ever it is imperative for Transcultural Nurses to work with the nursing community and communities at large and inspire all to hear the voices of the people. WE must assume leadership to make the necessary changes to the political leadership – this is a country and society built on the backs of immigrants – how dare we allow the present policies. Do you want your children to grow up to be liars and cheats? Role models MUST be found that will deal honestly with the population. Nurses that embrace the philosophy of Transcultural Nursing must play a strong role in change and lead the way.